
Zum Pumpkin GPS Autoradio DVB-T TV Box herstellen

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Die folgende Beschreibung basiert auf dem Pumpkin Autoradio GPS, Wenn Ihre Geräte nicht von uns, Diese Tipps sind möglicherweise nicht für Sie geeignet!

Verwendest du die Headunit mit Rückseite wie das folgende Bild zeigt, mit DVB-T TV-Anschluss,

Sie können wie das folgende Bild zeigt die digitale TV Box anschließen, aund Sie können auch bedienen, Steuern die TV-Box über das Autoradio. Und die TV-Box bekommt macht aus dem Autoradio,, Sie müssen also nicht extra Draht macht zu verdrahten.

Wenn Sie sich mit dem Autoradio mit Rückseite wie das folgende Bild zeigt,ohne DVB-T TV-Anschluss, nur mit RCA-Video-/ Audio-Eingangs-Port,

Sie können die digitalen TV-Box wie folgt anschließen., aber du bist nicht in der Lage, bedienen, Steuern die TV-Box über den Touchscreen an das autoradio, Sie können nur die Fernbedienung zu tun, das Autoradio funktioniert nur als Monitor anzeigen. Und möglicherweise müssen Sie das Kabel zur Stromversorgung der TV Box zu verbinden.

Und jetzt haben wir auch einige neu gelisteten Artikel, die mit der Rückseite wie der folgende Link zeigt, Sie können das Konvertieren-Kabel verbinden, die in der digital tv Box Radio enthalten ist. Sie können auch betreiben und kontrollieren die TV-Box auf dem Bildschirm Radio, und die TV-Box bekommt Strom vom radio.

Klicken Sie, um Pumpkin Andorid 5.1, Android 6.0 Autoradio auf  Pumpkin offizielle Website:
Pumpkin US:  www.autopumpkin.com
Pumpkin UK:  http://ift.tt/29hvZcz
Pumpkin DE:  www.autopumpkin.de

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[Customer Review] Pumpkin Android 5.1 Adjustable Angle Touchscreen In Dash Car Radio Receiver DVD GPS Navigation

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Pumpkin Android 5.1 Car GPS DVD with Adjustable Angle Touchsreen

Awesome stereo has many features.                                  

–by LVN

Awesome stereo I would recommend this to a friend. I purchased this Pumpkin double din stereo for my Jeep grand Cherokee 2004. This was not an easy install as my car accepts only a single din stereo, but I have a long history of installing stereos, and already had a fairly good idea of what to do. I also purchased a aftermarket bezel that allowed me to put the two din into my one din stereo.

For anyone who does not have any sort of previous electronic or stereo experience, this would normally require custom professional installation if you did not already have a double din space.

As for the stereo itself, let me start by saying that the stereo is very complicated and has many features. It is made by pumpkin which given how much German was in the manual I believe may be a Company of German origin. I am very impressed by the stereo. I have watched movies on DVD, used apps like the Calculator, surf the Internet usein the Wi-Fi at my home and at businesses like McDs that offer free Wi-Fi. I had no problems with logging in to any of their permission screens. The Internet antenna is very impressive the FM radio antenna Works well and also offers a auto-program feature I ended up with probably 50 local stations. Some of which, obviously, were better than others.

This is an awesome stereo and I hope it lasts for a long time and appears that it will. I have been using the stereo for about three weeks and I have enjoyed every feature. It also has a function where you can turn off the display while still listening to music and this is great because I have sensitive eyes and nighttime driving a 7 inch screen can be very distracting so I thought this was a great feature. There are many other functions and features that I have not used .

Click to check more Android 5.1,Android 6.0 Car GPS Stereo on Pumpkin official websites:
Pumpkin US:  www.autopumpkin.com
Pumpkin UK:  http://ift.tt/29hvZcz
Pumpkin DE:  www.autopumpkin.de

via Blogger http://ift.tt/2ecS51a

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How to Connect the Digital TV DVB-T Box to Pumpkin Car Radio GPS DVD Stereo

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Please Note:
All the following description are based on the Pumpkin Car GPS Radios, if your devices is not purchase from us, those tips may be not suitable!

If you are using the head unit with rear side like the following picture showed with DVB-T TV port,

you may connect the digital TV box like this, and you can also operate and control the TV box via the touchscreen of the headunit. And the TV box gets power from the headunit, so you do not need to wire extra wire to get power for the box.

If your are using the car gps stereo with rear side like the following picture showed without DVB-T TV port, only with RCA video/audio input port,

you may connect the digital TV box like this, but you can not operate and control the TV box via the touchscreen of the headunit, you can only use the remote control of the TV box to do that, and the headunit only works as display monitor. And you may need to connect the power lead of the TV box to give power supply to the TV box.

And now we also have some newly listed item which with the rear side like the following link shows, you can use the convert cable which is standard include into the digital tv box to connect. You can also operate and control the TV box on the headunit screen, and the TV box gets power from the headunit.

Click to check Android 5.1,Android 6.0 Car GPS DVD Player on Pumpkin official websites:

Pumpkin US:  www.autopumpkin.com
Pumpkin UK:  http://ift.tt/29hvZcz
Pumpkin DE:  www.autopumpkin.de

via Blogger http://ift.tt/2ejD5yV

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