How to Prevent Mazda Car Stereo Theft

Actually, you have a variety of options in reducing your risk of car stereo theft. Some cost money, while others are more strategic and are completely free.




  • Check your doors and windows every time you leave the car to make sure they’re completely closed and locked. Unlocked doors and open windows pose as advertisements to thieves to target your car stereo and your other possessions in the car.
  • Park your car in a secured area, such as a garage, whenever you are able to. When parking in public, park in well-lit areas that have a lot of foot traffic. Thieves target vehicles that offer the least chance of them getting caught. Cars that are in the dark, parked near an easy escape route or are isolated from the public are more likely to suffer break-ins.
  • Keep the stock radio in your car if it works well and you like the sound quality. Thieves very rarely target or steal stock radios, because they don’t have much resale value. They also don’t fit well in different models of cars, giving them very limited usage outside of the vehicle in which they were originally installed.
  • Invest in an Mazda Android 4.4 car stereo with a removable face if you choose to upgrade your car radio from the stock model. Remove the face of the stereo and take it with you anytime you leave the car. Never leave the face in the glove box or anywhere else in the car, because people often do this and thieves will look for it.
  • Consider tinted windows to help prevent thieves from seeing what type of stereo you have in your car.

How to Disconnect the Mazda 3 Car Stereo Wiring Harness


A bad car stereo wiring harness can prevent your Mazda 3 car stereo from working. When this happens you either need to pay a mechanic to replace it, or you need to replace it yourself. The first step is to disconnect it. For the novice who knows little about a car’s wiring, this is a simple task that can easily be performed. Here’s how:

Things you’ll need:

  • Screwdriver
  • Flashlight

Step 1 – Remove Your Dash Console

To get a clear view of your car’s panel, how the stereo is installed in your car, and where you’ll find the wiring harness, remove the dash panel. Disconnect the stereo unit by removing any screws that connect the unit to your dash panel. Put the screws aside for use in replacing the stereo and panel. If the screws are stripped or corroded, replace them before continuing.

Step 2 – Disconnect the Wiring Harness

Pull the stereo unit out from your dash panel. On the back side of the unit you’ll see a number of wires connected. This is your wiring harness and will likely be clipped to the Android car stereo. Unplug the wires from the harness. Finally, identify the wires that are coming from your speakers and are connected to the harness and disconnect them by pulling them loose from the harness.
