
Customer Review on Pumpkin 6.2 Inch Android 5.1 Car GPS Stereo 2 Din

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Pumpkin Android 5.1 Car GPS Stereo 2 Din

First of all I want to Thank Pumpkin Customer service. They are really helpful, I had some problem with my order and they have helped me very fast. Thank You!


Screen quality is very good, touch screen – very responsive and picture quality – amazing. Just what I wanted! This is my second Android car stereo in my car. I have two Android units in my car – one Pumpkin double din and another custom made Nexus tablet, one for navigation and another for entertainment.
Quality for the price is very good. Everything works as it should, as my oem radio. When you will start car it will continue to play track, or will jump to same radio station or any app you have used, before you have switched ignition off.
Navigation also works very good. I have downloaded google maps offline maps. And also GPS signal is very good, even with GPS antenna hided under dash.
I could not find anything very negative about this Pumpkin car radio yet. BUT little improvements would make this unit more premium:
-Screen feels a bit plastic. – glass screen would make this model more premium – also to look and feel more expensive.
-Better integrated EQ – easy fix is to download better from Play store.
-MORE Launcher THEMES – also there many launcher apps in Play store, but not many people know how to install them.
I have managed to fully fit this unit in my Avensis in 1 hour, but I still have some problems with fascia. I have to make some modifications to make it look nicer. Unit came with all necessary cables, exactly same as you can see in product page pictures. I have bought Steering Stalk Control for my car to connect steering wheel controls to Pumpkin stereo. And everything works perfect. You can also set function for every steering wheel button individually in settings.
Most important FUNCTIONS
-APP resume when you start car.
-Screen brightness changes when you switch light on/off.
-You can set time after how many minutes unit to shut down after ignition switched off.
-Bluetooth hands free calls – It connects automatically when your phone is in range. Call quality is very good even without external mic. You can change to auto answer calls in settings.
-Steering wheel controls – works very good. Not expected to be so eeasy to connect. Plug and Play. ( if you want to connect steering wheel controls just buy Steering Stalk Control instead of wire harness for your car)
-Easy change button LED light colors to match other interior buttons.

–by Arturs

via Blogger http://ift.tt/2fW9Gbq

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Kundenmeinung auf Pumpkin 6.2 Zoll Android 5.1 Autoradio GPS Doppel Din

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Pumpkin Android 5.1 Autoradio Doppel Din

Ich habe das Pumpkin Android 5.1 Autoradio in Verbindung mit dem HSDPA Surfstick bestellt.

Zunächst zur Verpackung und Versand:
Das Paket war binnen 3 Tage in der Packstation zum abholen bereit. Das Gerät war ordentlich und stabil verpackt.

Zum Einbau:
Ich fahre einen VW Golf IV worin man ein Doppeldin Autoradio einbauen kann.
Ich habe mit zusätzlich noch einen Einbaurahmen bestellt, da das Autoradio sonst lose in der Mittelkonsole “rumhängt”. Dank Iso-Anschlüsse war es überhaupt kein Problem alles einwandfrei zu verkabeln.

Zum Gerät:
Tolles Radio. Super schnell und flüssig. Einzig das booten dauert ca. 15 Sekunden. Dies ist aber nicht tragisch.
Der Radioempfang ist erstklassig. Ich bekomme Sender rein, die ich vorher mit meinem Autoradio (Pioneer DEH-X5600BT) nicht empfangen konnte, und das zum größten Teil störungsfrei.
Ich habe mir die Navigon Telekom Version als Navi-App heruntergeladen, da man dort die Karte herunterladen konnte. Denn die 3G Verbindung bricht andauernd ab. Und wenn mal 3G angezeigt wird, passiert garnichts! Das ist das einzige was mich etwas stört. Die liegt aber an den Stick. Deswegen nur 4 Sterne (für das Radio selbst, gibt es von mir 5 Sterne).

Mein Fazit:
Sehr gutes Preis-Leistungsverhältnis. Schnelles und einfach zu bedienendes Radio mit spitzenmäßigem Empfang. Würde das Radio gerne wieder kaufen. Klar gibt es sicher bessere, aber für den Preis absolut zu empfehlen.

–von Yanik

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Customer Review on Pumpkin 2GB RAM Android 4.4.4 Car GPS Stereo

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Pumpkin 2GB RAM Android 4.4.4 Car GPS Stereo

Thanks to the built-in quad core,it is very comfortable with faster response. The key feature of this Android radio is the quad core CPU with 2GB RAM. If using Facebook or a browser,you will quickly see the benefits.
Android 4.4.4 is currently installed on this device, but I’m sure PUMPKIN will  deliver an update to Android 5.1 soon(as they do with many other devices). But this is not important to me, because in the car, I see no advantage by an update.

Radio reception makes a very good impression and can keep up with the previously installed factory radio.

Hands-free works well, however, the supplied external microphone should be installed. 

Navi is impressively accurate and Google maps is already installed, an Internet connection is necessary however. But now there’s also a free offline alternatives (MapFactor or NAVIGON via Amazon).

The MediaPlayer is quite good, plays everything and all necessary setting options are also available. 

Installed apps worked with all desired programs (Zattoo, Amazon Music, TuneIN and co) without any problems.
Internet is absolutely necessary in my view for such a device, because it extends the possibility of unbeatable. For me, I have implemented it with a small router Huawei (E8372), it has no battery and thus addressed by the radio and, thanks to eBay from abroad also quite cheap to get.

Power consumption: Have measured before installation to the secure the operating and StandBy power consumption to avoid an empty battery. Result is quite good (better, yet without hesitation), operation without sound there are 1.2 about AH and StandBy (10 minutes after ignition off, not to change) are between 0.02 and 0.03 AH. 

Fazit: I’m absolutely convinced by this Android radio and can recommend to anyone who wants to listen to more than just music from USB. This device is very fast and suitable for resource hogging apps. Only the DAB extension connection is missing.

–by Alfredo

via Blogger http://ift.tt/2gDwcdk

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