
Kundenmeinung auf Pumpkin 10.1 Zoll Kopfstütze Monitor Auto DVD Player mit HDMI Hafen

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Pumpkin 10.1 Zoll Kopfstütze Monitor

Der Pumpkin Kopfstützen DVD-Player 10,1-Zoll kam gut verpackt und super schnell bei mir an.

Im Lieferumfang enthalten sind:
– Kopfstützenmonitor
– 1,8m All-IN-ONE Kabel
– 2m Zigarettenanzünder Stromkabel
– 0,2m Pulg Adapter
– Fernbedienung
– Montage Adapter
– Englische Bedienungsanleitung
– Spiele DVD

Die Qualität und Verarbeitung ist sehr gut, die Bilder sind spitze genauso wie die Tonqualität, wenn man zwei gleiche Monitore kauft kann man die auch unternander verbinden und somit den selben Film oder das gleiche Spiel angucken und spielen, einzeln kann man ihn, wenn man sich ein passendes Netzkabel zulegt, den DVD-Monitor auch zuhause nutzten. Der DVD-Player kann unten über das Touchfeld gesteuert werden. Die Qualität von allem Fernbedienung und Player ist wirklich einwandfrei! DIESES MODELL hat einen HDMI Anschluss.
Wir gehen von der Videoseite: Der Player unterstützt DVD/ VCD/ MP4/ RMVB/ CD-R/ CD-RW/ SVCD/ DIVX: praktisch alle verfügbaren Videoformate.
Sehr gutes Set für ein perfektes Filmvergnügen im Auto.
Einfach an den Kopfstützen befestigen und mit dem Auto-Zigaretten-Anzünder verbinden,fertig.
Ob DVD,VCD,Mp4,RMBV,CD-R,CD-RW,DIVX,SVCD sowie SD Karte Oder 2.0 USB Port für den kleinen Alleskönner kein Problem.
Neben dem Filmvergnügen gibt es auch die Möglichkeit Spiele zu spielen,welches mit der Ferndienung gesteuert werden kann
Ton und Bildqualität finde ich persönlich überraschend gut.
So dürfen Autofahrten gern mal länger dauern 😉

++ großes Bild
++ vielfältige Anschlussmöglichkeiten (auch HDMI in geht)
++ USB und SD Karte lassen sich direkt anschliessen
++ DVD lässt sich gut unterbringen
++ alle gängigen Videoformate werden unterstützt
++ Halterung ist einfach anzubringen und hält sehr gut
++ Halterung ist sehr universell und gut anpassbar
++ Kabel sind richtig schön lang
++ gutes Bild
++ guter Ton
++ gute Bedienmöglichkeiten
++ Spiele sind nettes Beiwerk

Wir sind super begeistert. Jetzt sind lange Autofahrten nicht mehr langweilig. 5 Sterne

–von Madera

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Customer Review on Pumpkin 10.1 Inch Headrest Monitor Car DVD Player with HDMI Port

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Pumpkin 10.1 Inch Headrest Monitor

On a quest to find a portable media player for my kids that I could use in my vehicle, I finally stumbled across this outstanding product. After purchasing 2 other portable media players, and both being defective, and having to be returned, I discovered the Pumpkin, 10.1 inch digital media screen. The first thing that stood out was the brilliantly designed adapter bracket used to attach the media player to the headrest. Unlike the cheap straps that the other media players used, this design, included an adapter bracket, that easily snapped onto the headrest posts and did not obstruct the actual headrest for the front seat passenger or driver. The screen then easily attached to the adapter bracket, providing a clean look. I also liked how easily it could be removed and reattached to the bracket in event the screen needed to be taken out for any reason. It also allowed the ability to vertically tilt the screen for optimal viewing.

When I turned the media player on the first thing that stood out was the screen quality. Not only was the screen slightly larger (10.1 inches vs 9 inches or 7 inches) and flatter than most other portable players, the resolution and visual quality was outstanding. I liked how quickly a dvd disc booted up as well. There was no long waiting for it to read the disc, nor did it have any trouble reading a disc. Also another great aspect to this player was despite visible vibrations when attached to my seat and driving down the road, the disc never skipped once.

Though I have not been able to experiment with all the features of this player, what stood out was the number of available options. After thorough research, I could not find a portable media player that included all the features that this one did. I won’t list them all, but the features that this player included that stood out most to me, were the HDMI input, media card reader, the resume playback feature, and the remote control. Most players priced in this range exclude most of these features that I listed. Though not applicable to me at this time, this player included other great features like FM sound modulation, IR headphone support, AV ins and outs, and even included a video game disc with the remote doubling up as a controller!

In conclusion, I would rate the Pumpkin 10.1 inch portable headrest monitor media player five out of five stars. You simply will not find a better quality product, with more features, and in this price range. My only criticism of this product is that the unit’s built in loudspeakers are not loud enough, even when the volume is maxed out. I only mention this because my child is too young to want to use headphones and rather than play the audio through my vehicles speakers, I like to listen to native audio sources in the front of my vehicle while my child is watching a movie in the back. Between my native audio signal and road and wind noise, the speakers on this player were not quite loud enough. That is a minor gripe that will change when my child is older and will prefer to use headphones. Finally, this product is such an outstanding value, that I will be purchasing a second unit for my youngest child, once they are old enough to utilize it, in about a year.

–by Bradford

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