
Picture-In-Picture Car DVD Player

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The improvements in automobile aftermarket accessories market in the last decade that have been nothing short of astounding.

Some of these players, for example, can do things literally unheard of just a few years ago. They can run a GPS navigation system, play music and display a television picture all at the same time.

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They do this by splitting operating functions in order to display all three at once, which is why answering the question “What is a picture in picture car DVD player?” might be something worth exploring.

For those who are thinking of adding one of these versatile and highly entertaining players to a vehicle, it can be helpful to think of how a car DVD player displays all three functions as being similar to how a television makes use of PIP or “picture in picture” capabilities to show not only a currently-running television show but also, perhaps, a TV program over on another station, both at the same time.

Picture in picture in a car DVD is similar to this, though the intention is more to provide different screens at the same time to operate the player itself.

This isn’t to say that it can’t display a television program through its standard analog TV tuner, because it can do that.

What it (PIP) more has to do with is giving the operator of the player a way to set up the GPS navigation, get it running, select music that is going to be played or a radio station that will be listened to and then task the player to also run a movie or show a TV program.

It does this through use of embedded software and tuners contained within the player’s memory, operating system (usually Windows CE) and microprocessor chip.

The software that CE makes use of will task the picture-in-picture function without a user needing to know much about how it works. And once the picture-in-picture is pulled up, all of the different multitasking applications can take place.

Usually, picture in picture functionality is most often found in what are called “2 DIN” car DVD players, which are players that take up about 100 mm or 4.25 inches of height in a car’s dashboard. DIN is just a way of denoting whether the height of the player is 50 mm or 100 mm. A 1 DIN player is usually half the height of a 2 DIN player.

Most 2 DIN car players can accommodate picture in picture as well as a number of other functions that won’t be found in a single DIN player.

For people who may be more comfortable with operating a television set than a car DVD player, picture in picture can come in quite handy. It can help to eliminate any sort of button on the player other than a simple on-off and a few other basic functions, placing everything else, instead, on a touchscreen display that a user can simply touch and then task. The operating system and the software in the player will take care of everything else.

For those considering going with an upgrade to a vehicle manufacturer’s sound system in a car, one of these new car DVD players can make for a great aftermarket accessory. They are relatively affordable and can add a great deal to most any vehicle, making long trips and short trips alike more pleasant and even fun.

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All Car DVDs Players Are Not Equal

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Imagine my surprise when I went looking for a DVD for my car. We were to take our grandkids for an extended road trip and I thought it would help it to a DVD player. The trouble is “monitor”. I saw all these good priced monitors and thought that is real great to get the monitor and the DVD for that price. Then I discovered that they really did mean just the monitor. Not the DVD in a monitor, but a monitor.

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If you want a monitor with DVD you need to look for a monitor that includes the DVD. Otherwise all you get is a “monitor”. So here is some quick information on monitors and what to look for.

The flip down car video monitor is probably the one you are most familiar with. It is mounted to the roof of the car and flipped down when in use. Then is is flipped up out of the way. It is used by the back seat passengers and the monitor usually ranges from 7-12 inches.

The Overhead Car Video Monitors can be attached to the ceiling of the car. Most usually you find them in mini vans, and SUVs because they require some of the head room. It usually fits over the inside light. These can be 7-20 inches in width.

Headrest car video monitors are built into the back of the headrest. You can buy the whole headrest since most of you will not want to cut out a chunk of your present headrest. Keep the old headrests so you can put them back in the car when you trade it in, thus allowing you to keep the head rest for the new car.

Headrest Portable car video monitors are essentially portable DVDs. They can be attached to the back of the headrest and be moved about. These range in size from 5-10 inches. This was my choice because it can be taken out of the vehicle and used in to motel room, the camper, the trailer, a tent…well, you get the idea.

In-dash car video monitors are put in the dash for the entertainment of the front seat passenger. Driver you need to keep your eye on the road. It can be flipped up and down for convenience and space. They are usually less than 7 inches.

The Sun visor car video monitor can be mounted into your visor or you can replace your original sun visor with it. It is usually 5-7 inches in length.

Mirror car video monitors are made to fit over the rear-view mirror. They are great to be used as a rear view camera. It is very small, usually no more than 4 inches.

Now the most important thing to remember is that you need the DVD with these monitors if you wish to play a DVD. So remember that if you do not want to buy a separate DVD you need to look for a monitor that includes a built in the car DVD player. They are out there and can be found easily. Just don’t be fooled into buying a monitor thinking it has a DVD included.

View more products at our global online store: http://www.autopumpkin.com/
UK store: http://www.autopumpkin.co.uk
DE store: http://www.autopumpkin.de/

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Different Models of Car DVD Players

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Vacationing can be a lot of fun but some of them are going to require a lot of driving or riding in a vehicle. Children can get bored and some of them will get into trouble because of it. A car DVD player can keep their mind busy and keep them out of mischief which will make the trip much better for everyone.
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There are different ones that people can choose from. Some of them are a part of the vehicle while others are aftermarket ones that can be moved from one vehicle to another because they fasten to the back of the seat. This is something that will be beneficial for the children and the parents.
Having an item like this can make the trip easier on everyone. A child does not always understand that it can take a while to get from one place to another. They will get impatient because they want to have fun.
Watching movies is going to be great entertainment for them. There are many different movies that they can watch. Using something like this is not going to create a lot of extra bulk to take with them.
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Games that are meant for traveling can take up a lot of space and many of them do not provide a couple of hours of entertainment in one setting like a movie will. Some require the person to keep track of many tiny pieces too. Some of the DVD players are equipment with a place to plug in a game system too.
Most of them can be placed so that all of the passengers in the back of the vehicle are able to see the screen. Others will have two screens so that everyone can see the same movie. There are many differences between one model and the next.
Headphones or ear buds can be worn while using these so that it is not disturbing to people who are not watching the movie. Other passengers can listen to the radio, sleep or just have silence. There are several things that people use to keep themselves entertained.
Figuring out the best movies is usually the most difficult part of using something like this. These are easily plugged into the vehicle for power. Some vehicles have spots in the front and the back of the vehicle that have these. This prevents having to run the wires from one end of the vehicle to the other end.
There are adapters that can be purchased to go along with these as well. Every vehicle provides different options because of the different placement and sizes of the interior structures. Some people will drive a van while other people are going to be driving a small car.
The sizes of the screens of these can vary as well. Some will have a small screen while others are going to have something that is a little bit bigger. There are many reasons why people are looking for certain models of them.
Everyone can be entertained while they are waiting to get to the next destination. Ones that are not fastened into the vehicle will be able to be taken into the hotel rooms also. This gives a person many options for watching a movie.
Children have many different movies that are their favorites. They can pick out a few movies to take along with them on their trip. The number of movies that gets taken will depend on how long the trip is and how many times somebody wants to watch a movie over and over.
There are many different models of car DVD players. Each one of them will have different features that people are looking for. Not every customer is going to be looking for the same options. There are many brands and models that are going to be popular because everyone has a different opinion about what is the best when it comes to electronics.
Whether someone is driving to work or driving around town, it is nice to be able to listen to music with a good quality sound system. Many other car accessories, like remote starts and alarms can also be beneficial. Visit  http://ift.tt/29FCw1m today and find a great deal on all of these products for your vehicle.
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