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How to root and update pumpkin Android head unit from 4.2 to 4.4?
Here is a article share to you about update pumpkin android unit from 4.2 to 4.4, he bought this android car Stereo 4.2 from us.
Upgrading is supposed to be a safe operation, but you never know what can happen. So, before updating make sure that:
1- you have a backup of your system (the easiest way is download nandroid root from google play, and do a nandroid backup with TWRP format)
2- make sure you can enter in bootloader mode (see below how to)
3- it is recommended to backup your apps and data (use titanium from google play). The update will do a factory reset.
Upgrading is supposed to be a safe operation, but you never know what can happen. So, before updating make sure that:
1- you have a backup of your system (the easiest way is download nandroid root from google play, and do a nandroid backup with TWRP format)
2- make sure you can enter in bootloader mode (see below how to)
3- it is recommended to backup your apps and data (use titanium from google play). The update will do a factory reset.
Do a back up of your internal SD card memory. It will be wiped during the process.
I wrote you some basic instructions of rooting and upgrading bellow. (my sources are English forum: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2660662 and Russian forum: http://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=557670&st=60 )
How to Root
Check in `Settings > About`, Android version must be 4.2 (or bellow), it will not work with 4.4 KitKat (or not with this method)
* On the device, download `Root Master 2.1.1` on this URL: Root_Master_2-1-1.apk
* Make sure internet connection is active, `Root Master` downloads instructions depending on the device you have
* Open `Root Master`, refuse the update (last version of root master will not work)
* Click the big button where it is written “ROOT”
* Wait, it will ask you to install an app, install it (otherwise it will keep you asking that)
* Wait again, at the end a message popup, click the purple left button, it will reboot the device and install SuperUser (right button is for rating)
* Your device is Rooted !
Pretty easy !
How to flash (include update to 4.4.2 KitKat)
* Backup your internal SD card, it will be wiped up in the process
* Different manufacturer, have their own MCU, so we need to find out which manufacturer made the device we have, go to `Settings > About`, check at the MCU version, it will start by something like this: `MTCB-KGL`, `MTCB-KLD`, `MTCB-GS`, `MTCB-RM`, `MTCB-JY`. The device I ordered was a `Klyde`, with KLD written after `MTCB`, so I will need to use the `KLD` MCU.
(* If you want to go back to your original version, write down, the firmware version number you have in `Settings > About`)
* Download the MCU corresponding to your device (in my case `KLD`), you can find it there in the `MCU Only` folder: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0BxmzvLRI7-eNeVA2SWkwM1pLZ28&usp=sharing#listv
* Download the Android version you want (same link), `Custom` versions are already Rooted, `Official` versions are the one from the manufacturer
* Extract those rar/zip, and copy `mcu.img` and `update.img` at the root of a micro SD card (formated in FAT32)
* Put this micro SD card in the GPS slot of your device
* A message will pop-up at the screen saying an upgrade has been found, just ignore it, and restart your device (using a needle in the little hole)
* At the restart the same message will pop-up again, this time, accept the Upgrade
* The device will reboot and install the upgrade, wait until the update is finished
* I didn’t need to do that, but with KitKat, If you don’t have access to Internal SD anymore, just go to `Settings > Storage` and erase it
* For any other issues, use this feed: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2660662
And as extra a little picture of your product installed in my car with a custom skin (sorry for quality, it was night) :
Do a back up of your internal SD card memory.