Thanks this customer bjmsam shared his review and Installation of this JY-C0227 android head unit. Let’s learn what he said: “I installed this unit and a backup camera in my Corvette several months ago and remain extremely impressed and satisfied. It is very high quality, integrated well with my car, and can run any Android app I want. Beware of cheaper head units that have an older, single-core CPU, less memory, a lower resolution display, etc. If you intend to run datalogging apps like I do, be advised that it lacks the internal accelerometers commonly found in handheld devices to detect display rotation; that is obviously not a factor for a fixed display mounted in the dash, but inconvenient considering the Vette’s accelerometers are inaccessible via OBD2. Delivery to Washington, D.C. took only four business days, and the seller replied to my questions within 12 hours. I documented the installation and answered various questions here: http://www.corvetteforum.com/forums/audio-electronics/3501820-android-head-unit-and-backup-camera-installation.html”
Any questions about this unit, maybe bjmsam can help you.