
Wince System • Re: Bluetooth / Radio Volume LM-W0352A-DE-A

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Sorry for the late reply due to the National Day.
Regarding your issue, you can enter the Setup–General–factory set(3368)–Volume balance to separately set the bluetooth volume and the other volumes.
Hope some help.

Statistics: Posted by Jammy — Fri Oct 07, 2016 9:23 am

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General Configuration • Re: Just bought a new unit – Was it a mistake (too many issues)?

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Sorry for the late reply due to the National Day.
Regarding your issue, you can try to install the latest firmware to check.
Here is the link for you.
https://mega.nz/#!ZYFCGIZY!vlVpc2S_zPiz … xD2mRZkC60
For the volume issue, you can enter the settings–factory settings(126)–others to set the “wheel3”.
For the radio keep changing, you need to turn off the AF and TA after you search the stations.
For the inconsistent volume levels between apps, sorry about this, this unit can only support to set the volume level of the the default apps, such as Radio, TV and Bluetooth.
For the android 6.0, currently we don’t have the new update, if it’s available in the future, we can post it here.
For the Bluetooth tethering, this unit does not support it.
For the return policy, the warranty time is one year, even beyond one year, you can still return it back to us for repair.
Within 7 days, you can return the unit back to get refund or exchange whatever the reason.

Statistics: Posted by Jammy — Fri Oct 07, 2016 9:03 am

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Car Radio DVD GPS Stereo • Re: not communication with cats60 smartphone bt4.1

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Sorry for the late reply due to the National Day.
With respect of your description, our unit is not compatible with the bluetooth 4.1, cause we tested the android 6.0 smartphone for hands free calls without any problem.
Currently we don’t have the new updating to solve this problem, sorry about this.
But we will feedback it to the factory, hope they can provide the possible solution.

Statistics: Posted by Jammy — Fri Oct 07, 2016 8:31 am

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