
File Download • Re: RQ-0261E

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Sorry for the late reply due to the National Day.
The factory technician said, if you just flash the ROM and make the unit back to Android 4.4, after flash back to Android 5.1, it could not make the hardware key mixed. The only possible situation is that you also flash other mcu file.
Please tell us what kind of the mcu version on your unit.
Once we get the MTCB-KLD 4-V2.94 mcu file next Monday, we will send it to you.

Statistics: Posted by Jammy — Fri Oct 07, 2016 9:50 am

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Android System • Re: Dab issues Ford mondeo

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Sorry for the late reply due to the National Day.
About the dab app, you can connect the DAB box to the unit correctly, it will work when you enter into it.
Here is a forum about how to connect and use the dab, hope some help.
About the apps with data to sd card, sorry that this unit does not support it, only a few apps can be moved to sd card.
If the dab app look like the above forum shown, we don’t have the new one.
And if you want to flash the unit with update firmware, please tell us if you have other problems, and the current system version on the unit.

Statistics: Posted by Jammy — Fri Oct 07, 2016 9:32 am

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