
File Download • Re: Firmware RQ1130E (Europe E46)

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fishlips45 wrote:
Hi, can anyone help with my issue. I was having an issue with my 11-RQ1130E+Y0811 unit double booting so was advised by the supplier to update the unit following a link he sent. I followed all instructions to the letter, however the units resolution has now changed and only covers 2/3 or more of the screen now. My question is, Is there a specific 800 x 480 firmware update?

Thanks in advance for any help?

Sorry for the late reply due to the National Day.
Could you please first tell us what kind firmware you got?
You can try to download the high resolution firmware to check.
Here is the link for you.
https://mega.nz/#!ZYFCGIZY!vlVpc2S_zPiz … xD2mRZkC60

Statistics: Posted by Jammy — Fri Oct 07, 2016 10:14 am

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Car Radio DVD GPS Stereo • Re: App Volume Quiet but Bluetooth Volume Great – Please advice

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Sorry for the late reply due to the National Day.
Regarding the app volume issue, it’s the system problem, sorry about this.
The factory ever tested the new firmware but it does little help. It may depend on the android board.
If you don’t mind, please just use the SD card or bluetooth to play music.

Statistics: Posted by Jammy — Fri Oct 07, 2016 10:03 am

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