Although many drivers has installed the Android 4.4 double Din car stereo to enjoy the music from iPod, some guys still enjoy listening to the radio, whether it is for music, talk shows, or to hear a local traffic report as they head home during rush hour. For these drivers, tuning into their favorite radio station and hearing static or humming can be very annoying. Actually, there are a few ways to help them get the best possible car radio reception. All the things they need is antenna.

- Switch your radio to FM if you currently have it set to an AM station. AM radio signals can be weaker and therefore more prone to electrical interference. If you switch to FM and hear immediate improvement, wait until you get to a more open area or the top of a hill before switching back.
- Switch your radio to monaural reception if your sound system is equipped with a mono/stereo switch. This can be helpful in getting better reception in hilly areas.
- Look at your car’s aerial antenna, checking that it is not loose or damaged. If it is damaged, you will need to replace it. This part is crucial to your car’s radio reception because without it, the metal body of most cars blocks the radio from receiving signals. So if the antenna must be replaced, make sure you select one of good quality.
- Check the length and positioning of your car’s antenna. To get the best reception, the antenna should be about 30 inches long and should be mounted as high on your car as possible. Make sure the antenna is free-standing, not making contact with the body of the car, and if it is a telescopic antenna, be sure it is fully extended.
- Keep track of when your car radio receives the most interference. If you hear a whining or ticking in time with the engine, or the radio interference worsens when you use your windshield wipers or heater, it may be the engine’s electrical system causing your problem. A reputable mechanic should be able to repair it.
- Check your car’s connections if you are still having trouble. Make sure the antenna is securely connected to the stereo system and all of the wiring is in place. You may want to have an auto mechanic look this over for you.
For more Android 4.4 car stereo, please visit:
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FAQ for Android Car Stereo Amplifier1.How can I populate my address book’s contacts into the Android car stereo universal? A: For downloading the address book’s contacts from your phone to the radio: firstly, you need to pair your phone with the Android head unit, then please click the contacts icon and search your contacts like the following picture: Please make sure that you use the built-in contacts in your phone, otherwise it can not be searched. Also, if your smartphone runs Android 5.0 OS or above, please allow all the submissions in your phone when the stereo searches the contacts. 2.After installing the car DVD player, I can’t hear any sound through the speakers or the Bluetooth. The music is attenuated but no phone or GPS instructions can be heard. Is there a hidden menu to give more volume to GPS and Bluetooth? A: Normally, we don’t have hidden menu to give more volume. And for setting the GPS app sound ( we pre-installed the IGO free copy version ), please check the setting below: You can re-install the IGO app from our SD card to check whether it would help or not. Besides, please enter the settings=>GPS, make sure that you turn on the GPS monitoring. You can turn up the GPS mixing ratio so that the GPS sound would be louder. As for the Bluetooth issue, if you make the phone call via Bluetooth, please well close your car windows and doors, then turn the volume of both your phone and the head unit to the middle level. You can also enter the factory setting ( the password is 126 ), and check the BT setting. 3.In case of the extra mic, how can I increase the volume ? I don’t find any possibility to adjust the mic volume in the car audio player. A: Please use the extra mic and increase the car radio’s volume. 4.I’m not able to get torque to recognize that Bluetooth is on. Therefore, I can’t connect Bluetooth to the OBD. I can connect to it from my phone but not from the Pumpkin Car Head Unit. Is there something I can do to get this to work ? A: For pairing the OBDII, you need to know the protocol of your car and select the correct protocol in “Torque”. Followings are the whole instruction: ①Please enter “Bluetooth ”application, then set the pairing code of the radio to the same one as the OBDII scanner’Generally, it would be 0000 or 1234. ( please try both ) ②Then please open the built-in torque, choose the OBDII scanner MAC address in the application setting and choose your car protocol. 5.How do I change the default music app ? A: Since the car DVD player Bluetooth is based on Android 4.4, you can download other music player apps like Spotify in the built-in play store ( need Wifi or other Internet source ) and install it on the head unit.…