Just installed this Pumpkin head unit on my Toyota Camry 2007 and it works perfectly. The product is super easy to put it (it fits it works) and i don’t have to use any extra cables that come in the box. Although I knew nothing about cars before, it took me only 1h to do it (while watching youtube on my phone on how to remove the previous DVD player) and today I saved more than $150 (professional labor). I took one star off because it made me confused with unclear instructions. Finally, I ended up not using the backup camera because I don’t know how to do it. They should post a video on youtube channel so that their customers can save time and money.
Don’t know how long it lasts, will update later!
–by Lambrusco
This factory-style navigation deck is probably the best system you could get for under $500. Because the system is based on an embedded OS WinCE 6.0, it is not as customizable as an Android-based system or an brand-name aftermarket deck; however, it is extremely stable and user-friendly. Once you program your GPS/navigation, audio setup, video setup, bluetooth functions, reverse camera and steering wheel controls, it will consistently operate that way without any complications or errors. In addition, because it looks just like a factory Toyota deck and won’t fit any other car, you wouldn’t have to worry about any thieves touching the radio since it’s pretty much worthless to them. In order to complete the package, I would suggest replacing the included external surface camera with a CHUANGANZHUO LYSB00RD05MOO reverse camera (which has a sealed all-metal case), also available on Amazon. You’ll need to remove the trim piece on the trunk lid to drill and install the camera under it; and also shim the camera to get the right viewing angle; but it’ll all be worth it in the end because it will look as slick as any OEM back-up camera.
–by DeeVee
Click to check more Pumpkin Android 5.1 Car GPS Stereo on Pumpkin official websites:
US site: www.autopumpkin.com
UK site: http://ift.tt/29hvZcz
DE site: www.autopumpkin.de
via Blogger http://ift.tt/2c3nzSN