Customer Review of Pumpkin Android 5.1 Car Stereo Double Din--RQ0264

This is my second Android head unit and I am never going back to a regular one ever. This android 5.1 double din stereo came shipped in a standard box wrapped in black plastic.
Installation was pretty straight forward if you’ve installed car stereos before. I’m not going into detail about how awesome Android is so I’ll skip that part.
The screen looks great and so is the touch sensitivity. I was able to load all my favorite apps with no problems (Kodi, Netflix, Hulu, Waze, iHeart radio etc..). I loaded a 32gb usb stick with some tunes and movies for a 3 day camping trip 300 miles round trip this summer and everything worked perfect for me. The built in GPS software did OK, but I mainly used Google maps or Here maps from Nokia which allowed me to download the maps for free.
I wanted to take advantage of every function this unit has to offer so I installed the backup cam, a dash cam and a bluetooth OBD2 diagnostic tool.
The backup cam is quick and responsive and turns on when I shift to reverse quickly even if the unit is still booting up.
The dash cam I am using is a 1080p Logitech USB camera that I had laying around from an old laptop, this Pumpkin Car head unit recognized it the moment I plugged it in and is so far working perfectly.
The OBD2 tool along with Torque has save me many trips to the mechanic and a nice amount of money too so that was a very good investment.
As with most Android devices there are custom ROMs available for this android car gps radio on the XDA forums which the makers fix and upgrade many issues. It is almost expected of anyone using this Android unit to go read through the forums and install the custom firmwares for a better experience.
I was offered this Pumpkin Quad Core 7 inch Head unit at a discount in exchange for my honest review and so far it’s working out fantastic for me.
This is my second Android head unit and I would recommend this to everyone because it offers so much more than standard units. As a matter of fact, to date two of my buddies have gone out and purchased the same unit after having seen mines and what I can do with it.
–by Daika
A very good android 5.1 headunit if your good with electronics. It has so many features, i cant 9name them all. To be able to have the best experience you need a wifi usb stick or wifi hotspot. Only reason to connect your phone is Bluetooth for hands free calling.
–by Daniel Klingler
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