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Pumpkin New Products


【Pumpkin New Arrival】Mercedes Benz A/B Series 7 Inch Android 4.4 Quad Core Double Din Car Stereo

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Pumpkin has released a splendid stereo (KD-C1016) for Mercedes Benz A/B series. You can bring all the benefits of Android 4.4 in to your Mercedes Benz with this stunning Quad-core 2 DIN car stereo that will bring the best in car entertainment to your fingertips through its 7 inch touch screen display.



At a Glance…

. OS: Android 4.4 Kit Kat
. CPU: Rockchip PX3 Cortex A9 Quad Core 1.6 GHz
. RAM: DDR3 1 GB
. Nand Memory: 16 GB
. Audio Output: 4*50W max
. Screen Resolution: 800*480
. Cold Boot Time: About 25-30s
7 inch quad core car stereo for benz 2
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