Android Car DVD Player VS Wince 6.0 Car GPS

Operating systems is the heart of autoradio dvd gps, without these master software hardware,it is useless to human or any machine. Different kinds of OS are available in the market but the most famous one was windows CE because of the upgrading features that are provided time to time by the Microsoft. Compared to the other available operating systems in the markets,they are so smooth and competent.Nowadays Android operating system comes to the world.they are getting to fame day by day due to the excellent serving feature for the users.
The Difference Between Android car radio And Wince car GPS:
Nowadays, Android and windows CE both work well in Car DVD stereo player. However, there are some aspects that make Android different from Windows CE operating system. Here ate the reviews about the differences between android and windows CE operating system.
1. The first difference between androids and windows can be seen from the gadgets supplied by those operating systems. Windows CE does not support gadgets as many as android does, especially for mobile devices.
2.The second difference is in pricing aspect. Androids are expensive when it is compared to the pure licensed windows CE operating system by Microsoft. What makes android more expensive is because it has additional feature and compatibility with many hardware and software application brands.
3.The third aspect that make androids different from windows is that androids offer a large range of applications and car stereo radio applications to its users. While windows do not provide special installations and setups for Google chromes, Android does. As the consequences, android has the largest computing capability with totally graphical user interfaces to its users with diverse application purposes. Android vs windows operating system mobile technology Today, mobile technology becomes the most latest and popular gadgets all over the world. Android car stereo player instantly becomes favorite because these kinds of gadget have integrated the whole computer system in a single mobile set. In a short period of time, android outperforms windows CE when it was first launched. Windows CE is well known for its reliable speed and execution setting to its users. However Androids are more flexible than windows CE operating system. This is the reason why people today prefer to use android rather than windows operating system.
4.The last plus point that androids has is that androids has all the capabilities of operating system, but it also has function as a device for communication.
Which 0ne to Choose?
In the market of car stereo,Android OS and Windows CE are coexisting to meet different requirements of different customers.
If you wanna more choices of settings or apps,you will choose Android car stereo;If you’re more into more stable and easier function,you will choose Wince Car stereos.
The Trend of Android Car Stereo And Wince Car DVD System:
The android OS in car dvd player is just same as the mobile phone android OS,so basically the developping trend follows the android phones.But it has a little delay since the car radio market is not as fast as mobile phone.Nowadays,you can use mature Android 6.0 in your phone,while in the the car dvd player,you can use android 5.1 now.Check details of Android 5.1 Car radios on Pumpkin official website.
About the Wince OS,it seems the upgrading of the firmware is not that close to the mobile market.However Pumpkin really does some upgrading in the touchscreen of the wince car stereos,most of the wince car radios in the market are of resistive screen,we have upgraded and equip Pumpkin wince car radios with capacitive screen,such as the MS0263,MS0353 ,MS0366 and so on.
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