Daily Archives: June 17, 2021


Decent quality and valued unit

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Quality unit that works as advertised. Works well with other car launchers like Agama and Car Launcher Pro. I recommend PowerAmp media player although I’m still figuring out getting the PowerAmp EQ to work properly.

I was slightly skeptical about ordering one of these. But I decided to take a gamble and so far I’m pleased with the unit. Touch sensitivity and response is right on point. It’s fairly easy to operate and more customizable than I figured it would be. It’s basically just a big cell phone in your vehicle.

Upgrading from a 7″ Android head unit to this 10.1″ unit I had the advantage of experience with the OS and different car launchers. Take your time and research the capabilites of this PX5 Android head unit and you can do almost anything you want, car stereo-wise. Have fun making your car stereo experience your own.

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