Daily Archives: February 21, 2020


What is MirrorLink?

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For those of whom want to utilize the best of your phone features with the car stereo, you need to notice the MirrorLink function that car stereos offer. MirrorLink makes it easy to bring the application of your phones to the car dashboard. MirrorLink is a way of ‘mirroring’ whatever is on your smartphone onto your car stereo display. No matter movies or maps, that all can be achieved with screen mirroring.

Our car stereos use a MirrorLink application called ‘EasyConnection’. It is a driving assistant. This App integrates navigation, music, telephone, and other driving functions, you can also add your favorite applications to this App. With the interconnection of EasyConnection App on the navigator, the screen of the mobile phone can be projected onto the navigator screen and can be operated on the navigator screen. Any application can be made to work with MirrorLink, but not all applications should be used while driving. For example, you shouldn’t play games or watch a movie while driving.


How does your screen mirror your phone to your car stereo? It is quite easy. Just open the EasyConnection application both on your car stereo and your phone. Then, choose the connect way you want on the car stereo. After connected, the apps will run on your smartphone while will be displayed on the car stereo monitor.

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