Daily Archives: December 13, 2019


About the backup cameras

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A backup camera is very important for a car driving, which makes reverse easier and lessens the risk of accidents while parking. It can offer a driver a way to see their blind spot, no matter how dark it is or what the weather is like. There are several types of backup cameras. For example, license plate backup cameras, RV backup cameras, bumper-mounted cameras, etc. Here, we will talk about the license plate backup cameras and the normal backup cameras.

backup cameras

License plate backup cameras and normal backup cameras are featured by night vision, waterproof, wide view angle, and on-screen guidelines. All these features help to park more quickly and safely. They also give the driver a much clearer and more accurate view of the obstacles behind the car.

The biggest difference between them is the installation. License plate backup cameras are designed to be mounted to above the rear license plate. It only needs to punch holes on the license plate. The normal backup cameras are mounted to the rear of the car. To install this, it needs to punch holes on the rear of the car. Both of the backup cameras can work with different kinds of monitor/car stereo/car DVD player/Sunvisor monitors.

The two types of backup cameras are sold by Auto Pumpkin. They are featured by night vision, waterproof, wide view angle, and on-screen guidelines. Which one to choose is always depending on the installation way you prefer.

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