Some guys might meet the map setting issues when using the aftermarket Android 4.4 car stereo, such as the map color and speed alert setting can’t be saved and need to reset every time when turning on the stereo. Here’s the guidance to help you out:

- Check if other settings such as radio, date and time can be saved or not. If all these settings can’t be saved, then you might have plugged the Red ACC cable and Yellow memory wire (labeled with B+ ) into the wrong position. Thus, there is no memory and the Android 4.4 car stereo has no data to save. All you need to do is plugging them in the right position and the setting issue will be fixed.
- If other settings can be saved, then there’s something wrong with the map card or the map App. You may need a new SD card and also a new map file (please contact for it). After copying the map file into your empty new SD card, you need to insert it into the GPS slot. Then you can save the map setting without any issues.
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